kids dentist NJ

The Sweet Truth: How Sugar Affects Your Child's Dental Health

June 21st, 2024

Sugar is a staple in many children's diets, often found in snacks, drinks, and even seemingly healthy foods.
While it can be hard to resist sugary treats, understanding how sugar affects your child's dental health is crucial for maintaining a healthy smile.
Here’s the sweet truth about sugar and its impact on your child’s teeth.

How Sugar Causes Cavities

When your child consumes sugary foods or drinks, the bacteria in their mouth feed on the sugar and produce acids as a byproduct.
These acids attack the tooth enamel, the protective outer layer of the teeth, leading to its gradual breakdown.
Over time, this process can cause cavities, which are permanent holes in the teeth that require professional treatment.

Hidden Sugars in Foods

Sugar isn't just found in obvious sweets like candies and cookies. Many foods and beverages that seem healthy can also be high in sugar.
For example, fruit juices, flavored yogurts, granola bars, and even some cereals can contain significant amounts of added sugar.
It's important to read nutrition labels and be aware of the hidden sugars in your child's diet.

The Role of Frequency and Consistency

It's not just the amount of sugar your child consumes, but also the frequency and consistency that matter.
Frequent snacking on sugary foods or sipping on sweet drinks throughout the day exposes the teeth to a constant acid attack, increasing the risk of cavities.
Sticky and chewy sweets, such as gummy candies and caramel, tend to cling to the teeth and are harder to remove, making them more harmful.

Tips for Reducing Sugar Intake

Reducing your child's sugar intake can significantly improve their dental health. Here are some practical tips to help:

  1. Limit Sugary Snacks and Drinks: Offer healthier snack alternatives like fresh fruits, vegetables, cheese, and nuts.
    Encourage your child to drink water instead of sugary beverages like sodas and fruit juices.
  2. Brush and Floss Regularly: Ensure your child brushes their teeth twice a day with fluoride toothpaste and flosses daily.
    Proper oral hygiene helps remove food particles and bacteria, reducing the risk of cavities.
  3. Rinse After Eating: If your child does consume sugary foods or drinks, have them rinse their mouth with water afterward.
    This helps wash away some of the sugars and acids, protecting their teeth.
  4. Choose Sugar-Free Options: Opt for sugar-free versions of common treats, such as gum and candy.
    Sugar-free gum can even help stimulate saliva production, which naturally cleanses the mouth.
  5. Healthy Eating Habits: Encourage balanced meals that include a variety of nutrients.
    A diet rich in calcium, phosphates, and vitamin D supports healthy teeth and bones.

Regular Dental Visits
Regular dental check-ups are essential for monitoring your child's dental health and catching any issues early.
During these visits, the dentist can provide professional cleanings, fluoride treatments, and personalized advice on maintaining a healthy diet and oral hygiene routine.

Educate and Empower
Teaching your child about the effects of sugar on their teeth can empower them to make healthier choices.
Use fun and engaging methods, such as educational videos, interactive games, or storytelling, to explain the importance of limiting sugar and maintaining good oral hygiene.

While it may be challenging to eliminate sugar entirely from your child's diet, making mindful choices and encouraging healthy habits can significantly reduce the risk of dental problems.
By understanding the sweet truth about sugar and its impact on dental health, you can help your child enjoy a lifetime of healthy, happy smiles. For more information or to schedule a dental check-up, contact us at Smile Central Dental.
Together, we can keep those smiles shining bright!

Building Healthy Smiles: A Month-Long Oral Health Challenge for Families

December 16th, 2023

Embarking on a journey to establish healthy oral care habits is not only essential for maintaining bright smiles but is also an exciting adventure for families. In this blog, we present the concept of a month-long oral health challenge—a dynamic initiative designed to engage families in fostering consistent dental care habits through a blend of fun activities, enticing rewards, and educational content.

Week 1: Brushing Bonanza

Kick off the challenge with a focus on the cornerstone of oral health—brushing. Introduce a brushing chart where children can mark their progress each day. Encourage creativity by letting them design their own toothbrush holders or selecting their favorite toothpaste flavors. Share insightful tips on proper brushing techniques and the importance of reaching every tooth.

Week 2: Flossing Fiesta

Transition to the world of flossing with a week dedicated to this crucial oral care practice. Create a friendly flossing competition within the family, complete with rewards for the most consistent flosser. Share fun facts about the benefits of flossing and how it contributes to a clean and healthy smile.

Week 3: Smile-Friendly Snacking

Explore the relationship between nutrition and oral health during the third week. Provide families with a list of smile-friendly snacks and recipes that are not only nutritious but also beneficial for dental health. Incorporate a cooking challenge where kids can prepare a tooth-healthy snack, aligning oral care with delicious and wholesome food choices.

Week 4: Dental Trivia Extravaganza

Cap off the challenge with an educational twist—Dental Trivia Week. Share interesting facts about teeth, oral hygiene, and the history of dentistry. Create a family quiz night with dental-themed questions and engaging prizes for the winners. This week is about reinforcing knowledge and celebrating the newfound dental expertise within the family.

Throughout the Challenge:

  • Social Media Sharing: Encourage families to share their challenge experiences on social media using a dedicated hashtag. This fosters a sense of community and allows for the exchange of tips and encouragement among participants.
  • Reward System: Establish a reward system to recognize and celebrate each family's commitment to the challenge. Consider certificates, small prizes, or even a grand prize for the family that demonstrates exceptional dedication to oral care throughout the month.


The Month-Long Oral Health Challenge is not just about building healthy dental habits—it's about transforming oral care into a family adventure filled with joy, learning, and a sense of accomplishment. By combining fun activities, enticing rewards, and educational content, families can strengthen their commitment to oral health and embark on a journey toward a future of confident and vibrant smiles.

Nurturing Healthy Habits:When Should Children Start Brushing Their Own Teeth?

December 11th, 2023

Establishing good oral hygiene habits from a young age lays the foundation for a lifetime of healthy smiles. One pivotal question many parents grapple with is, "At what age should a child begin brushing their own teeth?" In this blog, we delve into the importance of introducing independent tooth brushing and offer guidance on determining the right time for this developmental milestone.

The Early Years:

During the early years of a child's life, typically around the age of one, parents or caregivers take the lead in oral care. Using a soft baby toothbrush and a smear of fluoride toothpaste, they gently clean the child's teeth and gums. As children grow and develop motor skills, introducing them to the concept of tooth brushing becomes a gradual process.

Encouraging Independence:

Around the age of 6 or 7, children usually develop the dexterity and coordination needed to brush their teeth independently.
However, this timeline can vary from child to child. Encouraging independence in oral care is essential for fostering responsibility and building positive habits.

Signs of Readiness:

  1. Motor Skills: Assess whether your child has the motor skills to maneuver a toothbrush effectively.
    This includes the ability to grip the toothbrush, reach all areas of the mouth, and perform brushing motions.

  1. Understanding: A child should comprehend the importance of oral hygiene and the proper technique for brushing.
    Reinforce the significance of cleaning all surfaces of the teeth and gums.

  1. Coordination: Effective tooth brushing requires coordination between hand movements and visual perception.
    Ensure your child can coordinate these actions for thorough cleaning.

Guiding the Process:

Even when children begin brushing their own teeth, parental guidance remains crucial.
Supervise the process to ensure they are using the right amount of toothpaste, brushing for the recommended duration (about two minutes), and reaching all areas of the mouth. Offer assistance or a follow-up brushing if needed.

Promoting a Positive Routine:

Transforming tooth brushing from a chore into a positive routine is key.
Make the experience enjoyable by selecting fun toothbrushes and flavored toothpaste.
Establish a consistent brushing schedule, incorporating it into morning and bedtime routines.


Determining the age at which a child should start brushing their own teeth involves a balance between developmental readiness and parental guidance.
As a child's motor skills, understanding, and coordination progress, the transition to independent tooth brushing becomes natural.
By fostering a positive approach to oral care and instilling good habits early on, parents contribute to the long-term health and well-being of their children's smiles.

How is oral health and overall health of a child connected?

October 5th, 2023

Oral health isn't just about maintaining a bright smile; it plays a crucial role in a child's overall well-being.
The connection between oral health and overall health is a fascinating and significant one.
This blog will explore the many ways in which children's oral health and their general health are intertwined,
emphasizing the importance of proactive dental care

  1. The Gateway to General Health:
    Oral health serves as a window into overall health. For children,
    maintaining healthy teeth and gums can positively impact various aspects of their well-being.

The connection between children's oral health and their overall health is undeniable.
Teaching them good oral hygiene habits from a young age and ensuring regular dental check-ups are
essential steps in promoting a lifetime of well-being. Recognizing the profound impact that oral health has on a child's physical,
emotional, and social development highlights the need for a holistic approach to healthcare.

  1. Infection and Inflammation:
    Poor oral health can lead to gum disease and infections, which, if left untreated,
    may enter the bloodstream and affect the entire body. This can increase the risk of various health issues.

  1. Nutrition and Growth:
    Painful oral conditions can make it difficult for children to eat and obtain proper nutrition,
    potentially impacting their growth and development.

  1. Respiratory and Cardiovascular Health:
    There's a link between oral bacteria and respiratory issues, such as pneumonia. Additionally,
    chronic inflammation in the mouth can contribute to cardiovascular problems.

  1. Psychological Impact:
    Oral health can affect a child's self-esteem and overall mental well-being.
    Healthy teeth can boost their confidence and social interactions.

  1. Diabetes and Oral Health:
    Children with diabetes must be especially diligent about their oral health,
    as high blood sugar levels can lead to dental problems.

  1. Preventive Measures:
    Good oral hygiene practices, regular dental check-ups,
    and a balanced diet can all contribute to both strong oral health and overall well-being.

The connection between children's oral health and their overall health is undeniable.
Teaching them good oral hygiene habits from a young age and ensuring regular dental check-ups are
essential steps in promoting a lifetime of well-being. Recognizing the profound impact that oral health has on a child's physical,
emotional, and social development highlights the need for a holistic approach to healthcare.

Tricks To Fight Sugar Cravings for kids

September 14th, 2023

  1. Drink plenty of water: Water can help to fill the stomach and curb hunger, which can help to reduce sugar cravings.
  2. Eat protein and healthy fats: Including protein and healthy fats in meals and snacks can help to keep blood sugar levels stable, which can help to reduce sugar cravings.
  3. Get enough sleep: Lack of sleep can increase cravings for sugary foods, so it is important for kids to get enough sleep.
  4. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables: Fruits and vegetables are high in fiber and nutrients, and can help to fill the stomach and reduce cravings for sugary foods.
  5. Avoid keeping sugary snacks in the house: If sugary snacks are not readily available, kids will be less likely to crave them.
  6. Find healthier alternatives:
    If kids are craving something sweet, try offering them a healthier alternative such as a piece of fruit or a small serving of dark chocolate.

Practice mindful eating: Encourage kids to pay attention to their hunger and fullness cues, and to stop eating when they are satisfied.

This article is intended for informational purposes only and should not be construed as medical advice or a substitute for professional consultation. We encourage parents to consult with a qualified healthcare provider for personalized guidance and recommendations concerning their child's dental health and any related concerns. Your child's well-being is our top priority, and we recommend seeking professional advice to address specific health issues or questions."

What to do if I find a cavity on my child's tooth?

June 20th, 2023

If you find a cavity on your child's tooth, you should schedule an appointment with a dentist as soon as possible.

Cavities are caused by bacteria in the mouth that produce acids that can erode tooth enamel.
If a cavity is not treated, it can continue to grow and damage the tooth, potentially leading to more serious problems such as an infection or abscess.

The dentist will assess the cavity and recommend a treatment plan, which may include filling the cavity with a composite material or placing a crown on the tooth.
It is important to treat cavities as soon as they are detected to prevent further damage to the tooth.

In the meantime, you can help to reduce the risk of cavities by encouraging your child to brush their teeth twice a day with fluoride toothpaste,
floss daily, and limit sugary snacks and drinks.

Looking for the best kids dentist near the Paterson, Passaic, Dover and Union City areas?

We are here serving Paterson, Passaic, and Hudson NJ, and the surrounding communities, we offer comprehensive oral health services ranging from routine cleanings to emergency treatment. We are committed to creating a warm, welcoming environment to keep all members of the family comfortable in the office.
Paterson (973) 742-4200
Passaic ( 973) 574-1000
Union City (201) 325-8444
Dover (973) 891-4015

Find reviews and updates on Facebook, learn more about our practice online, or give us a call.

Keeping teeth Clean in a fun way Quick step by step

May 23rd, 2023

? Fun Nighttime Brushing Routine with Your Kids! ?✨

1️⃣ Step 1: Gather in the bathroom with your little ones, turn on their favorite song, and put on your toothbrush headbands!

2️⃣ Step 2: Demonstrate proper brushing technique, making small circles on each tooth, and encourage your kids to do the same.

3️⃣ Step 3: Use a timer or play a two-minute brushing challenge to make it exciting. Who can brush the longest? ⏲️

4️⃣ Step 4: Finish with a silly dance or a high-five celebration to reward your little ones for a job well done!

Let's make brushing fun and build healthy dental habits together! Share your family's brushing moments using

#BrushingWithJoy #HealthySmiles #FamilyDentalRoutine

Remember, a happy toothbrushing routine helps keep those smiles shining bright! ?✨

KidsDentalHealth #OralCare #HappyTeeth #BrushingTogether

Going back to school 2021 Full time North NJ | and items to pack in your child's backpack

September 5th, 2021

Going back to school in 2021 is not the same as the days of old.
With Covid-19 we as a society have to take precautions that we
haven't needed to do for a very long time. ( Virus Pandemic of 1918 )

In this health article, we go over what items we should consider placing
in our children's backpacks. Ok, NJ, let's take a look!

1. Extra Masks

Sometimes children lose their masks or drop their masks.
People may step on it. But even if a person doesn't step on the
mask your child may have dropped, a dropped mask should never be picked up and used again. There are all sorts of bacteria including covid-19 residue
on the ground.

Taking pre-cautions and having extra masks is a healthy habit to have.

Extra Masks should be placed in your childs backpack

2. Phone Charger
We need to communicate with our children at all times, especially during emergencies. Having a charger in the backpack is super beneficial.
Phone Charger

3.  Small refillable water bottle
It's better to have their own water to avoid getting sick from water fountains or sharing.
In school they are told to not drink from fountains, but having a water bottle stops them from rebellious fountain drinking.
Water bottle

4. Lunchbox
The lunchbox is self explanatory. Sometimes kids eat lunch at school. But like we will state later, having snacks available is a good habit.

5. File Folder
Have you ever went into your child's backpack and saw that a tornado hit the inside? Papers being thrown around is never desirable.

6. Tissues
A tissue on the spot is highly beneficial to a child when needing to sneeze or blow their noses.
Healthy snacks and tissues

7. Healthy Snacks
Who doesn't love a healthy snack? A good strong case will protect their snacks.
protect those snacks and they will protect a child's oral health as well as their overall health.

8. Strong Pencil case
Weak pencil cases will break and they will not protect the contents inside.
Pencil case and sneakers

9. Sunscreen
Even in the beginning of the school year, that pesky Sun could be troublesome.


Looking to make an appointment? Contact us






Orthodontics Paterson NJ

August 14th, 2021

Children's general Dentist Location:

Smile Central Dental
Dentist, Paterson, NJ
Orthodontics, Paterson, NJ


140 Market Street
Paterson, NJ 07505
Orthodontics Center - 2nd Floor  (x 21 or x22 )
Children's General Dentistry - 3rd Floor
Treatment - 4th Floor

Phone: (973) 742-4200
Fax: (973) 742-4997

Paterson - Dental Office Manager: Cristal Jimenez
Paterson - Ortho Office Manager: Maria Gutierrez


About Our Practice
Smile Central Dental has always emphasized that outstanding people are the key to our success. Our strength and future growth depend on the contributions made by our team and each person within our organization. To ensure continued success, we feel it is important that all employees understand our policies and procedures. We hold them to that standard and they perform to the highest level. 
Our staff is dedicated to serving our community and providing the very best care.


Mission Statement
Smile Central Dental’s mission is to enhance the life of anyone we come in contact with. We accomplish this by educating both children and parents on the importance of their dental health, eradicating cavities on our beloved patients, and providing all members of our team with an opportunity to grow personally and professionally. All this while proudly serving the communities we are in that have given us the opportunity to do what we love.



Do cavities in baby teeth affect permanent teeth?

August 2nd, 2021

Baby teeth start to develop before a child's first birthday and most children have a full set of teeth by their third birthday. As these teeth typically fall out within 3-4 yrs, it's a common belief that they are not important. This can't be further than the truth.

Baby Teeth erupt chart

A tooth infection/cavity if deep enough can certainly affect the growth of the underlying adult tooth. A dental cavity if left untreated can extend deep in the tooth and to the surrounding teeth and gum area below. A pus-filled infection, an abscess can then form on the underlying permanent tooth that has to erupt eventually. This can delay or prevent the eruption of the adult tooth or can cause discoloration, malformations, and permanent staining of the adult tooth.


Tooth Infection

It is important to understand why good oral health is essential in baby teeth.
Baby teeth...

- Act as space holders for permanent teeth that will eventually erupt
- Help guide the permanent teeth into place
- Help children in chewing food and speaking properly during their critical developmental years.

Cavities in baby teeth affect permanent teeth and can cause several different types of problems.

Harm to Overall Oral Health

Cavities affect baby teeth the same way they affect permanent teeth. If left untreated, it may compromise a child’s overall oral health. The bacterial spread will attack neighboring teeth, and a significant untreated cavity could lead to an abscess and/or tooth loss, not to forget physical pain and emotional distress. Tooth loss due to damaged primary teeth cause problems with jaw structure, growth, and occlusion.
Tooth Loss

Orthodontic Issues

With a significantly larger cavity, there will eventually be tooth loss, giving rise to orthodontic issues. Adjacent teeth may shift to fill the space left behind by the missing /lost baby tooth that becomes a problem when the permanent teeth erupt and there is a lack of space. This can cause teeth misalignment.


Poor Oral Health Habits

Starting your kids early will help them establish good lifelong habits. Instill the importance of good oral health habits with children from a young age. You can lead by example and brush and floss side by side each morning and night.

Preventing cavities and keeping Baby teeth healthy

Remember healthy baby teeth set a solid foundation for strong permanent teeth. Bring your children routinely to the dentist and take care of their teeth at home by following the basic rule of brushing at least twice a day.


Looking for the best kids dentist near the Paterson, Passaic, and Union City areas?
We are here serving Paterson, Passaic, and Hudson NJ, and the surrounding communities, we offer comprehensive oral health services ranging from routine cleanings to emergency treatmentWe are committed to creating a warm, welcoming environment to keep all members of the family comfortable in the office.
Paterson(973) 742-4200
Passaic  ( 973) 574-1000
Union City(201) 325-8444

Find reviews and updates on Facebook, learn more about our practice online, or give us a call (973) 742-4200


Union City NJ Children's General Dentist

July 27th, 2021

About Our Practice
Smile Central Dental has always emphasized that outstanding people are the key to our success. Our strength and future growth depend on the contributions made by our team and each person within our organization. To ensure continued success, we feel it is important that all employees understand our policies and procedures. We hold them to that standard and they perform to the highest level.
Our staff is dedicated to serving our community and providing the very best care.


Mission Statement
Smile Central Dental’s mission is to enhance the life of anyone we come in contact with. We accomplish this by educating both children and parents on the importance of their dental health, eradicating cavities on our beloved patients, and providing all members of our team with an opportunity to grow personally and professionally. All this while proudly serving the communities we are in that have given us the opportunity to do what we love.

Children's general Dentist Location:

Smile Central Hudson County
3196 Kennedy Boulevard
3rd Floor
Union City, NJ 07087

Phone: (201) 325-8444
Fax: (201) 325-8447

Office Manager: Inocencia Troncoso
Current Operation Hours



Paterson NJ Children's General Dentist

July 18th, 2021

About Our Practice
Smile Central Dental has always emphasized that outstanding people are the key to our success. Our strength and future growth depend on the contributions made by our team and each person within our organization. To ensure continued success, we feel it is important that all employees understand our policies and procedures. We hold them to that standard and they perform to the highest level. 
Our staff is dedicated to serving our community and providing the very best care.


Mission Statement
Smile Central Dental’s mission is to enhance the life of anyone we come in contact with. We accomplish this by educating both children and parents on the importance of their dental health, eradicating cavities on our beloved patients, and providing all members of our team with an opportunity to grow personally and professionally. All this while proudly serving the communities we are in that have given us the opportunity to do what we love.


Children's general Dentist Location:

Smile Central Dental
Dentist, Paterson, NJ
Orthodontics, Paterson, NJ

140 Market Street
Paterson, NJ 07505
Orthodontics Center - 2nd Floor  (x 21 or x22 )
Children's general Dentistry - 3rd Floor
Treatment - 4th Floor

Phone: (973) 742-4200
Fax: (973) 742-4997

Paterson - Dental Office Manager: Cristal Jimenez

Paterson - Ortho Office Manager: Maria Gutierrez

Current Operation Hours


Passaic NJ Children's general Dentist

July 5th, 2021

About Our Practice
Smile Central Dental has always emphasized that outstanding people are the key to our success. Our strength and future growth depend on the contributions made by our team and each person within our organization. To ensure continued success, we feel it is important that all employees understand our policies and procedures. We hold them to that standard and they perform to the highest level. 
Our staff is dedicated to serving our community and providing the very best care.


Mission Statement
Smile Central Dental’s mission is to enhance the life of anyone we come in contact with. We accomplish this by educating both children and parents on the importance of their dental health, eradicating cavities on our beloved patients, and providing all members of our team with an opportunity to grow personally and professionally. All this while proudly serving the communities we are in that have given us the opportunity to do what we love.


Children's general Dentist Location:

Smile Central Passaic
625 Main Ave
Passaic, NJ 07055
Children's general Dentistry - 3rd Floor

Phone: (973) 574-1000
Fax: (973) 574-1001

Office Manager: Esther Toledo
Current Operation Hours




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Hours of operation vary by location. Please click on your desired office location for specific details: