Crooked Teeth

The Importance of Baby Teeth: Myth vs. Fact

April 2nd, 2024

Baby teeth, also known as primary teeth, play a crucial role in a child's oral health and development. However, there are many myths and misconceptions surrounding the importance of baby teeth. Let's debunk some of these myths and uncover the facts:

Myth: Baby teeth are not important because they will eventually fall out.
Fact: While it's true that baby teeth will eventually be replaced by permanent teeth,
they serve several vital functions in the meantime.

Baby teeth help children chew food properly,
which is essential for proper nutrition and overall health. They also play a crucial role in speech development, as they help children learn to pronounce words correctly.

Myth: Cavities in baby teeth don't need to be treated because they will fall out anyway.
Fact: Cavities in baby teeth can have serious consequences if left untreated. Untreated cavities can lead to pain, infection, and even tooth loss. Additionally, decay in baby teeth can affect the health of permanent teeth developing underneath.
It's important to treat cavities in baby teeth promptly to prevent further complications.

Myth: Baby teeth don't require regular dental care because they are temporary.
Fact: Baby teeth are just as susceptible to decay and other oral health issues as permanent teeth. Therefore, it's essential to establish good oral hygiene habits early on, including brushing and flossing regularly and visiting the dentist for regular check-ups. Early dental care sets the foundation for a lifetime of healthy smiles.

Myth: Baby teeth don't affect the alignment of permanent teeth.
Fact: Baby teeth serve as placeholders for permanent teeth and help guide them into the correct position.
If baby teeth are lost prematurely due to decay or other issues, it can disrupt the natural alignment of permanent teeth, leading to orthodontic problems later on. Therefore, it's crucial to protect baby teeth and address any issues promptly.

In conclusion, baby teeth are far from insignificant.
They play a vital role in a child's oral health and overall well-being.
By understanding the importance of baby teeth and dispelling common myths, parents can ensure their children maintain healthy smiles for years to come.

The rising popularity of braces in the U.S

December 5th, 2023

The embrace of dental braces has witnessed a significant surge in popularity,
with an estimated 50–70% of children in the US expected to wear braces before reaching adulthood.

A large percentage, 80% of American teens wear braces.
Several factors contribute to this growing trend,
reflecting a shift in societal perceptions and the evolving landscape of orthodontic care.

  1. Reduced Stigma:

One notable reason behind the increased acceptance of dental braces is the diminishing stigma associated with their appearance. What was once considered stigmatizing is now viewed as a positive step toward achieving a healthier and more aesthetically pleasing smile.

  1. Enhanced Comfort:

Advancements in orthodontic technology have paved the way for braces that are not only effective but also less painful and noticeably more comfortable. Patients can now undergo orthodontic treatment with minimized discomfort, encouraging a broader embrace of this transformative dental solution.

  1. Diverse Treatment Options:

The availability of diverse orthodontic options contributes significantly to the rise in popularity. Innovations like Invisalign and ClearCorrect offer clear, nearly invisible braces, providing individuals with discreet and effective alternatives to traditional braces. This expanded array of choices allows patients to select the treatment that aligns best with their lifestyle and preferences.

  1. Fashionable Appeal:

In a fascinating turn of events, dental braces have transcended their utilitarian purpose and found a place in modern fashion. Many contemporary men are incorporating braces into their wardrobes, adding a touch of vintage elegance to their overall look. This shift not only contributes to the normalization of braces but also turns them into a fashionable accessory.


The increasing popularity of dental braces reflects not only advancements in orthodontic technology but also a changing societal perspective. As stigma diminishes, and comfort and aesthetic considerations take precedence, more individuals, including a growing number of teenagers, are choosing orthodontic solutions to achieve the smiles they desire. The evolving landscape of orthodontic care, coupled with fashionable appeal, positions dental braces as a transformative and widely embraced aspect of modern dental health.

The process of braces for kids and teens

October 31st, 2023

Braces can be a transformative journey for kids and teens, paving the way for a lifetime of healthy smiles.
In this article, we'll take you through the entire process, from the initial consultation to the moment those braces come off, and everything in between.

  1. The Initial Consultation:
    The process begins with a thorough examination by an orthodontist. This consultation helps determine if braces are needed and what type will be most effective.

  1. Choosing the Right Braces:
    Kids and teens can choose from traditional metal braces or more discreet options like ceramic braces or clear aligners.

  1. Custom Treatment Plans:
    Orthodontists create personalized treatment plans based on the patient's needs and goals.
    This includes a timeline for treatment.

  1. Getting the Braces On:
    This is the day braces become a reality. The orthodontist attaches brackets to the teeth and connects them with wires.

  1. Adjustment Appointments:
    Regular appointments are necessary for adjustments and to track progress.
    These visits ensure the braces are doing their job.

  1. Oral Hygiene and Diet:
    Kids and teens will need to pay extra attention to oral hygiene and follow dietary guidelines to protect their braces and teeth.

  1. Dealing with Discomfort:
    It's common to experience some discomfort after adjustments.
    Orthodontists can provide guidance on managing this.

  1. Braces Off:
    The day everyone looks forward to! When the orthodontist determines treatment is complete, the braces are removed, revealing a beautifully aligned smile.

  1. Retention Phase:
    Retainers are often needed to maintain the results and ensure the teeth don't shift back.

Braces for kids and teens are a step-by-step journey towards a healthier, more confident smile.
The process involves personalized treatment plans, regular adjustments, and diligent care.
While it requires some commitment, the results are well worth it, setting the stage for a lifetime of beautiful smiles.

Growing Teeth Behind Other Teethand What Can Be Done About It

September 30th, 2023

As parents, we closely monitor our children's dental development,
from their first toothy grin to the emergence of permanent teeth.
While most dental milestones are met with excitement,
discovering that a new tooth is growing behind another can be concerning.
This phenomenon, known as "supernumerary teeth" or "mesiodens,"
can raise questions about its causes, potential complications,
and the actions parents should take to ensure their child's dental health.
In this article, we'll explore the intriguing world of growing teeth
behind other teeth and discuss what can be done to address this issue.

Understanding Supernumerary Teeth:

Supernumerary teeth are extra teeth that develop in addition to the normal set of primary or permanent teeth.
They can appear anywhere in the mouth but are often found in the upper front area, behind the incisors.
While the exact cause of supernumerary teeth is not always clear, genetics is believed to play a significant role.
If left untreated, these extra teeth can lead to a range of dental problems.

Potential Complications:

  1. Crowding: Supernumerary teeth can cause crowding as they compete for space with existing teeth, leading to misalignment issues.
  2. Impaction: In some cases, these extra teeth may remain impacted (unable to fully emerge), causing discomfort and pain.
  3. Orthodontic Problems: Misaligned teeth may require orthodontic treatment to correct.
  4. Aesthetic Concerns: Supernumerary teeth can affect a child's smile and self-esteem.

    What Can Be Done About It:

    If you suspect that your child has supernumerary teeth or notice any signs of dental issues, it's crucial to consult a pediatric dentist. Here are some steps that may be taken:

    1. Dental Examination: A thorough examination, often including X-rays, helps diagnose supernumerary teeth and assess their impact on oral health.
    2. Monitoring: In some cases, especially when the extra teeth aren't causing immediate issues, the dentist may recommend regular monitoring.
    3. Extraction: If supernumerary teeth are causing crowding, impaction, or other problems, extraction may be necessary. The procedure is typically performed by an oral surgeon or pediatric dentist.
    4. Orthodontic Treatment: If misalignment or crowding occurs, orthodontic treatment, such as braces, may be recommended to correct the issues.
    5. Ongoing Dental Care: Regular dental check-ups and preventive care are essential to monitor your child's oral health and ensure any emerging issues are addressed promptly.

    Discovering supernumerary teeth, or extra teeth growing behind others, can be a concern for parents.
    However, with timely dental evaluation and appropriate treatment, these issues can be managed effectively.
    If you suspect your child may have supernumerary teeth or experience any dental problems,
    consult with a pediatric dentist who can provide expert guidance and ensure your child's dental health remains on track.
    Remember that early intervention can lead to a lifetime of healthy, confident smiles for your child.

    Straighten Your Smile: A Comprehensive Guide to 3 common Types of Braces

    July 28th, 2023

    1. Metal braces:

    These are the most traditional type of braces and are made of metal brackets and wires.
    They are generally the most noticeable and least expensive option.

    2. Ceramic braces:

    These braces are made of clear or tooth-colored ceramic material and are less noticeable than metal braces.
    They are more expensive than metal braces but may be preferred by people who are self-conscious about their appearance.

    3. Invisible aligners:

    These are clear, removable plastic trays that are custom-made to fit over the teeth.
    They are virtually invisible and can be removed for eating and brushing.
    Invisible aligners are the most expensive option but are also the most discreet.
    While these are not braces, they are considered Orthodontics.

    There are a few essential factors to consider when deciding on the right
    type of braces for you or your child.

    These can include Treatment duration, Maintenance and care and how that affects your
    daily life and schedule, Aesthetics, budget, dental health.

    It's important to consult with an orthodontist to determine the best type of braces for your specific needs and preferences.

    3 Popular questions about braces and answers

    April 30th, 2023

    How long will my child have to wear braces?

    The duration of treatment with braces varies from person to person and depends on several factors, including the severity of the orthodontic problem, the type of braces used, and the individual's age and oral health. On average, treatment with traditional metal braces takes about 18-24 months. However, some cases may require longer treatment times, while others may be completed in as little as six months.

    Can my child play sports or musical instruments while wearing braces?

    Yes, you can continue to participate in sports and play musical instruments while wearing braces. However, it is recommended that you wear a mouth guard during physical activities to protect your teeth and braces. If you play a musical instrument that requires the use of your mouth, such as a brass or wind instrument, you may experience some initial discomfort or difficulty. But with practice and adjustments to your technique, you should be able to play normally.

    Do braces hurt?

    You may experience some discomfort or soreness after getting braces or after adjustments to the braces. This is normal and usually lasts for a few days. You can take over-the-counter pain relievers and eat soft foods to help alleviate the discomfort. After a few days, your mouth will adjust to the braces, and the discomfort will subside. If you experience severe pain or discomfort, contact your orthodontist for guidance.

    Looking for the best kids dentist near the Paterson, Passaic, and Union City areas?

    We are here serving Paterson, Passaic, and Hudson NJ, and the surrounding communities, we offer comprehensive oral health services ranging from routine cleanings to emergency treatment. We are committed to creating a warm, welcoming environment to keep all members of the family comfortable in the office.
    Paterson(973) 742-4200
    Passaic ( 973) 574-1000
    Union City(201) 325-8444
    Dover (973) 891-4015

    Find reviews and updates on Facebook, learn more about our practice online, or give us a call.

    When should I get my child braces?

    April 17th, 2023

    The American Association of Orthodontists (AAO) recommends that children have an initial orthodontic evaluation by the age of 7. This allows orthodontists to identify any potential orthodontic issues early on and address them before they become more severe.

    It's essential to remember that braces may not be necessary for every child. The decision to get braces should be made on a case-by-case basis, depending on the individual child's orthodontic needs.

    Orthodontic treatment may be necessary if your child has crooked teeth, overcrowding, gaps between teeth, or bite issues such as an overbite or underbite.

    The timing of orthodontic treatment will depend on the individual child's growth and development. In some cases, early intervention may be necessary to guide jaw growth and tooth eruption. In other cases, treatment may be delayed until all the adult teeth have erupted.

    It's important to work with an experienced orthodontist who can evaluate your child's orthodontic needs and recommend the best treatment plan.

    Overall, the best time to get braces for your child will depend on their individual orthodontic needs. It's important to have an initial orthodontic evaluation at a young age and work with an experienced orthodontist to determine the best course of treatment.

    Foods to avoid while wearing braces

    April 7th, 2023

    There are certain types of food that you should avoid while wearing
    dental braces to prevent damage to the braces or tooth decay.
    Some examples include:

    Hard foods: Foods that are hard or difficult to chew, such as nuts,
    hard candies, and raw vegetables, can break or loosen brackets and wires.

    Sticky foods: Sticky foods, such as caramel and gum, can get stuck in the
    braces and are difficult to remove, which can increase the risk of tooth decay.

    Sugary foods and drinks: Foods and drinks that are high in sugar can contribute to tooth decay,
    especially if they get stuck in the braces.

    Popcorn: The hulls of popcorn can get stuck in the braces and be difficult to remove,
    which can increase the risk of tooth decay.

    Chewy foods: Foods that are chewy, such as bagels and licorice,
    can stretch and loosen the wires on the braces.

    By avoiding these types of food and following your orthodontist's instructions,
    you can help ensure that your braces are effective and that your teeth
    and gums stay healthy while you are wearing them

    The Benefits of power chain braces for teens

    March 30th, 2023

    Power chain braces, also known as a connected row of elastics that cover brackets,
    they consist of small rubber bands that are used to help move the teeth into their correct position during orthodontic treatment.

    Here are some potential benefits of power chain braces for teens:

    1. Can help to correct bite problems: Power chain braces can be used to help correct bite problems such as overbite, underbite, and crossbite.
    2. Can help to straighten teeth: Power chain braces can be used to help straighten teeth that are misaligned or crooked.

    1. Can be used in conjunction with other orthodontic treatments: Power chain braces can be used in conjunction with other orthodontic treatments such as traditional braces or clear aligners to help accelerate the movement of the teeth.
    2. Can be adjusted as needed: Power chain braces can be adjusted by the orthodontist as needed to help ensure that the teeth are moving in the desired direction.

    Overall, power chain braces can be an effective treatment option for teens with bite problems or misaligned teeth. It's important to discuss the benefits and potential drawbacks of this treatment option with an orthodontist to determine if it is the right choice for your specific needs.

    Do power chain braces hurt?

    It is common for patients to experience some discomfort when power chain braces are first placed, as the teeth are being moved into a new position. However, this discomfort is generally mild and can be managed with over-the-counter pain medication as needed.

    It is also normal for the teeth to feel sore for a few days after an adjustment to the power chain braces. This is a sign that the teeth are moving into the desired position and is generally not a cause for concern.

    Power chain braces may cause some discomfort for some patients, but this discomfort is generally mild and can be managed with pain medication as needed. It is important to follow the instructions of your orthodontist and to notify them of any concerns you may have.

    Looking for the best kids dentist near the Paterson, Passaic, and Union City areas?

    We are here serving Paterson, Passaic, and Hudson NJ, and the surrounding communities, we offer comprehensive oral health services ranging from routine cleanings to emergency treatment. We are committed to creating a warm, welcoming environment to keep all members of the family comfortable in the office.
    Paterson(973) 742-4200
    Passaic ( 973) 574-1000
    Union City(201) 325-8444
    Dover (973) 891-4015

    Find reviews and updates on Facebook, learn more about our practice online, or give us a call.

    Pros and Cons of clear aligners for children and teens

    March 14th, 2023

    Clear aligners, also known as clear-aligner therapy, are a popular orthodontic treatment option that can be used to straighten teeth and correct bite problems.

    Clear aligners can be a beneficial orthodontic treatment option for children because they are nearly invisible and do not have the same aesthetic drawbacks as traditional metal braces. This can help children feel more confident and less self-conscious during treatment. Additionally, clear aligners are removable, making it easier for children to maintain good oral hygiene and to eat a wide variety of foods without restrictions.

    Clear aligners can effectively treat a variety of orthodontic issues, including overcrowding, spacing, and bite problems, and they may be a more comfortable and convenient option for some children compared to traditional braces. It is important to discuss with a dentist or orthodontist if clear aligners are a suitable treatment option for a child's specific orthodontic needs.

    The pro's and Cons to Clear Aligners:


    Discreet: Clear aligners are virtually invisible, so they are less noticeable than traditional metal braces.

    Clear Aligners angled to display their depth

    Comfortable: Clear aligners are made of smooth, plastic material that is less likely to irritate the mouth compared to metal braces.

    Customized: Clear aligners are made to fit the unique shape of each patient's teeth, which can lead to more precise and effective treatment.

    Removable: Clear aligners can be removed for eating, drinking, and oral hygiene, which makes it easier to maintain good oral hygiene during treatment.


    May not be suitable for severe cases: Clear aligners may not be effective for treating more severe bite problems or misalignment.

    Must be worn consistently: Clear aligners must be worn for at least 22 hours per day in order to be effective. This can be a challenge for some patients, especially children.

    May cause temporary discomfort: Some patients may experience temporary discomfort when switching to a new set of aligners.

    May be more expensive: Clear aligners may be more expensive than traditional braces.

    Clear aligners can be an effective treatment option for many patients, but it is important to discuss the pros and cons with a dental professional to determine if they are the best option for your specific needs.

    Looking for the best kids dentist near the Paterson, Passaic, and Union City areas?

    We are here serving Paterson, Passaic, and Hudson NJ, and the surrounding communities, we offer comprehensive oral health services ranging from routine cleanings to emergency treatment. We are committed to creating a warm, welcoming environment to keep all members of the family comfortable in the office.
    Paterson(973) 742-4200
    Passaic ( 973) 574-1000
    Union City(201) 325-8444
    Dover (973) 891-4015

    Find reviews and updates on Facebook, learn more about our practice online, or give us a call.

    Early signs I need to take my child to an orthodontist

    March 4th, 2023

    You may be wondering why your child seems to have crowded teeth, or biting the side of their cheeks.
    Here are some early signs that you may need to take your child to an orthodontist:

    1. Early or late loss of baby teeth: If your child loses their baby teeth earlier or later than their peers, this may be a sign that there is a problem with their bite.
    2. Difficulty biting or chewing: If your child has difficulty biting or chewing, this may be a sign that their teeth are misaligned or that they have a bite problem.
    3. Mouth breathing: If your child frequently breathes through their mouth, this may be a sign that their teeth are misaligned or that they have a bite problem.
    4. Crowded or crooked teeth: If your child has crowded or crooked teeth, this may be a sign that they would benefit from orthodontic treatment.
    5. Misaligned jaw: If your child's jaw appears misaligned or if they have difficulty closing their mouth completely, this may be a sign that they would benefit from orthodontic treatment.

      • Thumb sucking: If your child continues to suck their thumb beyond the age of four, this may be a sign that they would benefit from orthodontic treatment.

      4 main reasons to visit an Orthodontist

      1. To straighten teeth: If you or your child has crooked or misaligned teeth, an orthodontist can develop a treatment plan to help straighten the teeth.

      2. To correct a bite problem: An orthodontist can help to correct bite problems such as overbite, underbite, and crossbite.

      3. To improve oral function: Orthodontic treatment can help to improve oral function by aligning the teeth and jaws properly, which can make it easier to bite and chew

      4. To improve the appearance of the teeth: Orthodontic treatment can help to improve the appearance of the teeth by straightening them and correcting any misalignments. This can increase self-confidence and improve overall oral health.

      If you notice any of these signs, it is a good idea to have your child evaluated by an orthodontist to determine if they would benefit from treatment. Early intervention can often lead to more effective treatment and better results.

      Visiting an orthodontist can help to improve the health and appearance of the teeth and jaws. If you or your child is experiencing any problems with the teeth or jaws, it is a good idea to consult an orthodontist for an evaluation.

      Looking for the best kids dentist near the Paterson, Passaic, and Union City areas?
      We are here serving Paterson, Passaic, and Hudson NJ, and the surrounding communities, we offer comprehensive oral health services ranging from routine cleanings to emergency treatment. We are committed to creating a warm, welcoming environment to keep all members of the family comfortable in the office.
      Paterson(973) 742-4200
      Passaic ( 973) 574-1000
      Union City(201) 325-8444
      Dover (973) 891-4015

      Find reviews and updates on Facebook, learn more about our practice online, or give us a call.

      What is an over retained tooth?

      December 12th, 2022

      An over retained tooth is a tooth that has not been lost or exfoliated (shed) from the mouth as it normally would during the course of development.
      This can occur for a variety of reasons, such as an underlying developmental anomaly or an injury that prevented the tooth from being lost. Over retained teeth can cause problems with the alignment of the teeth and the bite, and they may need to be removed in order to prevent these issues.

      It is important to consult a dentist or oral surgeon if you suspect that you have an over retained tooth.

      Detailed causes of a retained tooth:
      A retained tooth, also known as an impacted tooth, is a tooth that has not erupted into the mouth or has only partially erupted. This can be due to a variety of factors, including:

      Misalignment of the tooth: If a tooth is not properly aligned with the others, it may be unable to emerge from the gums.

      Overcrowding: If there is not enough room in the mouth for all of the teeth, some may become retained.

      Soft tissue impaction: Soft tissue, such as gums or cheek tissue, may cover the tooth and prevent it from emerging.

      Hard tissue impaction: The tooth may be blocked by bone or other hard tissue, preventing it from erupting into the mouth.

      Cysts or tumors: A cyst or tumor in the mouth can cause a retained tooth.

      Abnormal tooth development: Sometimes, a tooth may not develop properly and become retained as a result.

      If you think your child may have a retained tooth, it's important to see a dentist or oral surgeon for a proper evaluation and treatment.

      What should parents do if a child has retained teeth?

      If a child has retained teeth, the most important thing for parents to do is to seek treatment from a dentist or oral surgeon. Retained teeth can cause problems with the alignment of the other teeth and may lead to future dental issues if left untreated.

      A dentist or oral surgeon will be able to assess the situation and recommend the appropriate treatment, which may include removing the retained tooth or surgically exposing it so that it can emerge properly.

      It's important to follow the recommendations of the dental professional in order to ensure that the child's teeth develop properly and to prevent any future dental problems.

      Did you know that setting an appointment, addressing costs,
      and using insurance is easier than you may think?

      Looking for the best kids dentist near the Paterson, Passaic, and Union City areas?
      We are here serving Paterson, Passaic, and Hudson NJ, and the surrounding communities, we offer comprehensive oral health services ranging from routine cleanings to emergency treatment. We are committed to creating a warm, welcoming environment to keep all members of the family comfortable in the office.
      Paterson(973) 742-4200
      Passaic ( 973) 574-1000
      Union City(201) 325-8444
      Dover (973) 891-4015

      Find reviews and updates on Facebook, learn more about our practice online, or give us a call.



      What are the health benefits of braces ?

      August 3rd, 2022

      What are the health benefits of braces? 
      The first thing some may think of is cosmetics, but braces provide more than just great looking smiles.

      1. Orthodontic Braces Help with Proportions
      Ortho braces help with the following:

      - Misalignment of teeth
      - Overbites and underbites
      - Overjet bites
      - Periodontal problems ( elaborated below )
      - Issues chewing and speaking
      - Unmatched dental midlines


      2. Orthodontic Braces Prevent Gum Disease
      It's not a surprise that wearing braces can
      be a factor in the cause of gum disease in
      regards to the difficulty of brushing and flossing.
      But without braces straightening of teeth,
      one can find that food can set in between teeth.

      Brushing and flossing consistently can help prevent
      gum disease.

      3. Orthodontic Braces Prevent Tooth Decay
      Although braces can increase the risk of developing tooth decay,
      braces can help to prevent tooth decay by straightening teeth.
      Braces only become a factor in tooth decay development when
      food particles become trapped under the braces and in between teeth
      , and are not addressed.

      Consult with the Orthodontist about dietary restrictions.
      For example, The Orthodontist may explain why it is
      imperative to limit the eating of candy.


      4. Orthodontic Braces Prevent Cavities
      If tooth enamel gets weak, tooth decay can occur.
      Sugars and bacteria can combine to create plaque
      which can create decay. If this occurs, cavities can
      develop. As we spoke about previously,
      braces can be a factor in prevention of tooth decay,
      therefore leading to preventing cavities.

      5. Orthodontic Braces Help with Digestion
      You read that right.
      Because braces help to create fewer gaps in
      between teeth, chewing food can become easier
      and leads to faster digestion.


      6. Orthodontic Braces Prevent Injury
      Braces can act as a shock absorber.
      They can protect the teeth and lower jaw from
      potentially breaking. Even though this is
      the case, braces can get damaged upon impact.
      If your child plays sports, consider a mouth guard
      to protect their jaw, teeth, gums, and braces.


      7. Orthodontic Braces Prevents Bone Erosion
      To understand how braces can prevent bone erosion/loss,
      we first should understand the causes of bone loss.

      Alveolar Bone loss is irreversible.
      Jawbones are essential for holding teeth
      in place. While bone loss itself is not a disease, it can
      be the result of an underlying issue.
      Unfortunately many oral health conditions can cause

      Here are the most common:

      • Bone loss
      • Tooth loss
      • Gum disease
      • Receding gums


      8. Orthodontic Braces Help with Self-Esteem
      Braces don't just help with straightening
      teeth and correcting issues like malocclusion,
      bruxism, and preventing the aforementioned
      preventions. Braces are also cosmetic
      and help to straighten and beautify great smiles.
      This surely helps with confidence and self esteem.
      Now, who wouldn't want to show off their awesome smile?


      Looking for the best kids dentist near the Paterson, Passaic, and Union City areas?

      We are here serving Paterson, Passaic, and Hudson NJ,
      Dover NJ, and the surrounding communities.
      We offer comprehensive oral health
      services ranging from routine cleanings to emergency treatment.

      We are committed to creating a warm, welcoming environment
      to keep all members of the family comfortable in the office.
      Paterson (973) 742-4200
      Passaic  ( 973) 574-1000
      Union City (201) 325-8444
      Dover   (973) 891-4015

      Find reviews and updates on Facebook,
      learn more about our practice online,
      or give us a call



      My child's teeth don't seem to be straight

      January 29th, 2021

      Why some teeth do not come in straight?

      It’s quite common for children to get adult teeth that are not straight.
      The most common factors include extra teeth, missing teeth, large teeth, wide spacing, or inadequate spacing/small jaws. Habits like thumb sucking, tongue thrusting, premature loss of baby teeth, or a poor breathing airway caused by enlarged
      adenoids aggravate the problem, resulting in crowded teeth and/or an abnormal bite.
      Crooked Teeth

      Regular visits to the dentist

      The first primary/baby teeth start to come in at about 6 months of age. As soon as your child first gets their baby teeth, it’s important to get them on their first trip to the dentist. This allows the dentist to help ensure your child’s teeth stay clean,
      and they can examine the inbound adult teeth.
      Once the adult teeth start coming in, regular dental visits will allow your dentist to notice if some teeth are not coming in straight and they can refer you to an orthodontist or in our case, to our orthodontist department.
      Dentist Visit


      A children's general dentist can help you identify and correct bad habits that might cause teeth to not erupt straight. One of the most common examples is pacifiers. While it can be a great way to soothe a baby and even provide health benefits for infants, it can also
      play a part in teeth erupting differently.
      However, One should wean their child of the pacifier by the age of two, otherwise, it can cause teeth to grow incorrectly. Thumb sucking is another big instigator of crooked teeth.
      A children's general dentist has extensive experience helping children change habits and they can work with you to create a plan for breaking them and know how to provide the right kind of motivation to cause change.


      Keep an eye on growth

      Sometimes when children start getting adult teeth, they erupt (break through the gums) in a crooked fashion.
      While they might look quite crooked in the early stages of growth, they do most of the time end up aligned in a correct position by the time they’re fully grown.
      So even if your child is getting teeth that are initially crooked, there’s no need to panic. Your active role during this period is to have regular visits to your child’s dentist so they can provide timely professional insights about any required treatments.

      Visit the Orthodontist

      If your child gets a reference for an orthodontist, then you should definitely get a consultation. The sooner they can visit the earlier they can begin treatment. Earlier treatment means it's easier and cheaper to fix the teeth and bite,
      by correcting minor issues instead of waiting until they become major issues.
      Around the age of 7, adult teeth can start to come in, and that is a good time for a visit to the orthodontist, who can assess if early treatments are necessary to prevent major treatments in the future.
      Do you feel that your child's teeth seem to be not straight?
      Do you feel they may need braces? Contact one of our offices near you.

      To schedule a first consultation or visit, please contact us at
      one of our locations:

      1. 140 Market St, Paterson, NJ 07505
      Children's Dentistry - 3rd Floor
      Orthodontics Center - 2nd Floor
      Treatment Center - 4th Floor
      (973) 742-4200

      2. 625 Main Ave
      Passaic, NJ 07055
      Children's Dentistry - 3rd Floor
      (973) 574-1000

      3. 3196 John Fitzgerald Kennedy Blvd
      3rd Floor
      Union City, NJ 07087
      (201) 325-8444


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