Clenching and grinding teeth

Understanding TMJ Disorders in Children: Causes and Treatments

November 9th, 2023

TMJ disorders, also known as temporomandibular disorders (TMD), can affect children, causing a range of symptoms that impact their daily lives. This condition involves issues with the jaw joint and the muscles that control jaw movement. Recognizing the signs and understanding the causes are crucial for early intervention. In this article, we'll explore the symptoms, potential causes, and effective treatments for TMJ disorders in children, empowering parents with the knowledge to ensure their child's oral health and overall well-being.

TMJ disorders (also called temporomandibular disorders, or TMD) can cause:

? Symptoms:

✅ Pain in the head, neck, jaw, or face
✅ Problems chewing or biting
✅ Popping or clicking sounds when opening and closing the mouth
✅ Occasionally, a jaw that can lock open or lock shut

? What causes TMJ disorders?

✅ Bruxism (jaw clenching or teeth grinding)
✅ Stress: It can make a child clench their teeth.
✅ History of trauma
✅ Joint problems

? Treatments:

✅ Eat soft foods
✅ Ice packs or heat to the side of the face
✅ Doctor might apply a splint or biteplate to wear at night for reducing clenching
✅ Braces

TMJ disorders manifest through various symptoms, including pain in the head, neck, jaw, or face, difficulties in chewing or biting, and audible popping or clicking sounds during mouth movement. In some cases, a child may experience a jaw that can lock open or shut, further complicating everyday activities. Understanding the potential causes of TMJ disorders is essential for effective management.

Bruxism, or jaw clenching and teeth grinding, often plays a role, as does stress, which can lead to teeth clenching. A history of trauma and underlying joint problems can also contribute to the development of TMJ disorders in children. While there's no one-size-fits-all solution, various treatments, such as modifying the diet to include softer foods, applying ice packs or heat to the affected area, and, in some cases, using braces, can provide relief. Additionally, doctors might recommend wearing a splint or biteplate at night to reduce clenching and promote healing. Overall, early detection and a tailored treatment plan can make a significant difference in managing TMJ disorders in children.

Pros and Cons of clear aligners for children and teens

March 14th, 2023

Clear aligners, also known as clear-aligner therapy, are a popular orthodontic treatment option that can be used to straighten teeth and correct bite problems.

Clear aligners can be a beneficial orthodontic treatment option for children because they are nearly invisible and do not have the same aesthetic drawbacks as traditional metal braces. This can help children feel more confident and less self-conscious during treatment. Additionally, clear aligners are removable, making it easier for children to maintain good oral hygiene and to eat a wide variety of foods without restrictions.

Clear aligners can effectively treat a variety of orthodontic issues, including overcrowding, spacing, and bite problems, and they may be a more comfortable and convenient option for some children compared to traditional braces. It is important to discuss with a dentist or orthodontist if clear aligners are a suitable treatment option for a child's specific orthodontic needs.

The pro's and Cons to Clear Aligners:


Discreet: Clear aligners are virtually invisible, so they are less noticeable than traditional metal braces.

Clear Aligners angled to display their depth

Comfortable: Clear aligners are made of smooth, plastic material that is less likely to irritate the mouth compared to metal braces.

Customized: Clear aligners are made to fit the unique shape of each patient's teeth, which can lead to more precise and effective treatment.

Removable: Clear aligners can be removed for eating, drinking, and oral hygiene, which makes it easier to maintain good oral hygiene during treatment.


May not be suitable for severe cases: Clear aligners may not be effective for treating more severe bite problems or misalignment.

Must be worn consistently: Clear aligners must be worn for at least 22 hours per day in order to be effective. This can be a challenge for some patients, especially children.

May cause temporary discomfort: Some patients may experience temporary discomfort when switching to a new set of aligners.

May be more expensive: Clear aligners may be more expensive than traditional braces.

Clear aligners can be an effective treatment option for many patients, but it is important to discuss the pros and cons with a dental professional to determine if they are the best option for your specific needs.

Looking for the best kids dentist near the Paterson, Passaic, and Union City areas?

We are here serving Paterson, Passaic, and Hudson NJ, and the surrounding communities, we offer comprehensive oral health services ranging from routine cleanings to emergency treatment. We are committed to creating a warm, welcoming environment to keep all members of the family comfortable in the office.
Paterson(973) 742-4200
Passaic ( 973) 574-1000
Union City(201) 325-8444
Dover (973) 891-4015

Find reviews and updates on Facebook, learn more about our practice online, or give us a call.

What is an over retained tooth?

December 12th, 2022

An over retained tooth is a tooth that has not been lost or exfoliated (shed) from the mouth as it normally would during the course of development.
This can occur for a variety of reasons, such as an underlying developmental anomaly or an injury that prevented the tooth from being lost. Over retained teeth can cause problems with the alignment of the teeth and the bite, and they may need to be removed in order to prevent these issues.

It is important to consult a dentist or oral surgeon if you suspect that you have an over retained tooth.

Detailed causes of a retained tooth:
A retained tooth, also known as an impacted tooth, is a tooth that has not erupted into the mouth or has only partially erupted. This can be due to a variety of factors, including:

Misalignment of the tooth: If a tooth is not properly aligned with the others, it may be unable to emerge from the gums.

Overcrowding: If there is not enough room in the mouth for all of the teeth, some may become retained.

Soft tissue impaction: Soft tissue, such as gums or cheek tissue, may cover the tooth and prevent it from emerging.

Hard tissue impaction: The tooth may be blocked by bone or other hard tissue, preventing it from erupting into the mouth.

Cysts or tumors: A cyst or tumor in the mouth can cause a retained tooth.

Abnormal tooth development: Sometimes, a tooth may not develop properly and become retained as a result.

If you think your child may have a retained tooth, it's important to see a dentist or oral surgeon for a proper evaluation and treatment.

What should parents do if a child has retained teeth?

If a child has retained teeth, the most important thing for parents to do is to seek treatment from a dentist or oral surgeon. Retained teeth can cause problems with the alignment of the other teeth and may lead to future dental issues if left untreated.

A dentist or oral surgeon will be able to assess the situation and recommend the appropriate treatment, which may include removing the retained tooth or surgically exposing it so that it can emerge properly.

It's important to follow the recommendations of the dental professional in order to ensure that the child's teeth develop properly and to prevent any future dental problems.

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Looking for the best kids dentist near the Paterson, Passaic, and Union City areas?
We are here serving Paterson, Passaic, and Hudson NJ, and the surrounding communities, we offer comprehensive oral health services ranging from routine cleanings to emergency treatment. We are committed to creating a warm, welcoming environment to keep all members of the family comfortable in the office.
Paterson(973) 742-4200
Passaic ( 973) 574-1000
Union City(201) 325-8444
Dover (973) 891-4015

Find reviews and updates on Facebook, learn more about our practice online, or give us a call.



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