
Breaking News - Flossing prevents tartar

May 15th, 2021

What is Tartar and Dental Plaque?

Tartar also called calculus, is hardened dental plaque.
Dental plaque is soft, extremely sticky, and is the buildup of
millions of bacteria. It then gets hardened
and is called tartar.

Plaque damages tooth enamel and leads to cavities.
It can get under your gums and irritates gum tissues.
It also sticks to fillings and other dental work.
Tartar also absorbs stains, and causes cosmetic issues.

Signs and symptoms of Gum Disease:
Red or swollen gums
Tender or bleeding gums
Painful chewing
Loose teeth
Sensitive teeth
Gums that have pulled away from your teeth



According to Crest, 75% of Americans will experience
gum disease at some point in their life.
When the gums bleed and become swollen, plaque has made its
way under the gum line. This is called gingivitis.
This can lead to pain and weakened tooth enamel as well.

Poor oral Hygiene,
Not fully removing plaque,
poor nutrition,
(sugars and starches), such as Candy, milk, Cakes,
soft drinks, or raisins are frequently left on the
Chronic diseases

The best way to treat this problem is
to get it early.
Brushing twice a day and flossing at least
twice a day will help you to eliminate
as much plaque as possible.
Mouthwash can also be helpful to eliminate

Many children tend to get tartar quickly due to
things like candy, cake, and soft drinks like soda.
Make an appointment as soon as you can so a
dental professional can remove plaque and tartar
from your child's teeth.
Professionals use special tools to accomplish this.

Dental Hygienists and Dentists make it look easy when
removing tartar from your teeth. This leads
to the belief that one can do the removal themselves
and save themselves from an appointment.

It is very important that you don't attempt
to remove tartar on your own. It can be very dangerous
to do this because it can cause damage to your
gums and create recession in the gums.
This is where gums move away from the teeth and expose
roots. These roots are sensitive, can be damaged,
and can lead to infections.


All in all, maintaining your child's dental care
routine can be easy.
If your child has not had a dental visit in a while,
or if you don't have a Children's general dentist for your child,
please contact us.

To schedule a first consultation or visit, please contact us at
one of our locations:
SCHEDULE an appointment here


Common Orthodontic Problems

January 18th, 2020

Common Orthodontic Problems

The way your teeth align and meet together is known as occlusion. Typically, the upper teeth rest above the lower teeth when your jaw is closed and the top surfaces of the molars line up. However, teeth do not always match up. Malocclusion of the teeth is a misalignment problem that can lead to serious oral health complications.
The following problems all classify as Malocclusion of the teeth.


Common Orthodontics Problems

1. Underbite

An underbite, clinically called prognathism, is the malocclusion or
"bad bite" that happens when lower teeth overlap the upper teeth.
Severity can vary between a mild underbite, where the two rows of teeth almost meet;
and a situation wherein the teeth don't meet at all because the gap is so wide.
It can give the impression you're expressing emotion that isn't intended,
and it is, therefore, a common social issue that many are eager to eliminate for good.

The main cause of an underbite is a misalignment of the lower jaw, which is usually present at birth.

The problems associated with an underbite depend on how pronounced it is. If the gap is wide, it can cause:

Eating difficulties

Challenges with speaking
Chronic jaw or joint (TMJ) pain, as well as head- and earaches
Tooth decay from excessive wear of the tooth enamel
Chronic mouth breathing, halitosis, bacterial infections, sleep apnea, snoring, and other nighttime breathing difficulties.


2. Crossbite:

Is when some of the upper teeth close inside the lower teeth rather than the outside. This can form for a variety of reasons. Although a crossbite can be genetic, reasons such as prolonged use of a pacifier or thumb-sucking, delayed loss of baby teeth, and oversized tonsils or adenoids can be the source of a crossbite. Basically, the upper teeth close inside the lower teeth rather than the outside.

Thumb Sucking can create Malocclusion issues

3. Overbite:

It is also called "deep Bite", The upper teeth protrude further than the lower teeth and may completely cover them. Although this can hereditary, an overbite can be caused by a malformed jaw. Underdeveloped lower jaw or an overdeveloped upper jaw can result from the pressure of certain habits children may develop such as thumb-sucking and prolonged bottle-feeding or tongue-thrusting. Chewing on foreign objects can also form an overbite.


4. Overjet:

Overjet although mistaken for an overbite, refers to a horizontal issue while overbites refer to Vertical issues.
Overjet can be genetic, however, in many cases, it is due to childhood habits.
Much like the habits that cause Overbites, these habits include, thumb-sucking, tongue-thrusting, or prolonged bottle or pacifier and can cause the front teeth to splay out over time.

5.Upper Front Teeth Protrusion:

The protrusion of the upper front teeth often is caused by finger and thumb-sucking or tongue thrusting. It is commonly confused with an overbite. The pressure placed on the front teeth causes the teeth to become pushed forward.

Orthodontic treatment can be used to adjust the angle of the teeth and align with the lower teeth of the jaw.



Crowded teeth can make it difficult to brush and floss well which makes things easier for plaque, tartar, and other harmful bacteria to build up. This can lead to tooth decay and gum disease.


7. Spacing:

Spacing also called Diastema, refers to gaps or space between teeth which causes the teeth to not fit normally in the jaw. They are most noticeable in the two upper front teeth but can be from anywhere in the mouth. In children, gaps may disappear once their permanent teeth grow in. Some gaps happen to be large and are a cosmetic issue, but some gaps are small and barely noticeable.


Diastema can be caused by multiple factors and can be determined by genetics.
Jaw bone size and teeth size
Some cases include the size of the jaw bone and the size of teeth and results in teeth being spaced too far apart. An overgrowth of the tissue that borders the gum line and the teeth can also result in a gap.

Bad Habits
Bad habits can also be the culprit for spacing. The pressure that thumb-sucking involves can cause the teeth to pull forward.

Gum Disease
This infection damages the gums and tissue with inflammation and can lead to tooth loss and gaps between the teeth. Signs of gum disease include red and swollen gums, bone loss, loose teeth, and bleeding gums.


8. Openbite

An open bite occurs when the upper and lower teeth do not meet when the mouth is closed. When a person closes their jaw, the teeth will have a gap or opening.

What causes an open bite?
It can be passed down by genetics.
The problem normally corrects itself around the age of four and doesn’t persist into adulthood, however, a child may develop an opening in their bite when they have a mix of baby and permanent teeth and too much bone growth. A lisp can develop as well as other speech impediments.

Temporomandibular joint problems may also be the culprit. The Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is the hinge that allows your mouth to open.

Other causes are prolonged pacifier or thumb-sucking, tongue thrusting ( pushing the teeth with the tongue ). Tongue thrusting happens when you push the tongue through the teeth during swallowing or while speaking

Types of Open bites
Anterior open bite is defined as the front teeth not connecting properly when the back teeth have already made contact the opposite is a posterior open bite, where the back teeth don’t touch when the front teeth are closed.

An open bite can be noticed by the following:
Self-consciousness if your smile isn’t how you would like
A lisp or other speech impediments
Increased wear on the back teeth
Difficulty eating some foods



Treating an open bite in early childhood increases the chances of being able to fix an open bite without surgery. Ask your dentist about the options available.


Age Treatment
0-4 Tongue thrusting and open bit are normal. No need for intervention.
Restrict thumb sucking and pacifiers.
7-10 A tongue crib can be worn if tongue thrusting persists.
A dentist can recognize if adult teeth are coming through in an open bite speech therapy for tongue thrusting can start.
11-17 Braces can be fitted to correct an open bite.
Tongue thrusting treatment and therapy will still be successful.
18+ Jaw surgery can happen now that growing has finished. Untreated open bites in adults nearly always need surgery.
Options can include braces and Invisalign. Veneers become an option at this age too.


Open Bite braces will pull teeth back from protruding forward and can place them into proper alignment. The course of treatment can take anywhere from six months to two years and will need to be followed up with retainers. The job of the retainers is to make sure that the teeth do not go back to their old position.

Dentist checkup

Treatment for tongue thrusting

Tongue therapy:
Exercises for the tongue and therapy can be offered through a speech therapist.

Appliances like a tongue crib:
A bit like a retainer, a tongue cradle or crib attaches to your molars and puts a barrier across your mouth so the tongue can’t push forwards.

If a person stops the habit of tongue thrusting, it will not correct the misalignment, but it will make sure the bite problem won’t get worse or relapse after braces treatment is finished.

9. Dental Midlines not Matched

There are two midlines of the teeth between your two upper front incisors and the second between the two bottom center teeth. These lines should form one straight midline all through the center. When these lines do not line up it is clear to see there is a misalignment with the teeth and jaw or tooth size discrepancy.


How is Malocclusion Diagnosed?

We typically break this down in three phases.


The planning Phase:

Check the mouth and teeth.
ask questions about your child's past health.
X-rays will be taken.
photographs of the face and teeth may be taken.
A plaster model of the teeth may be made.

The Orthodontist will make a diagnosis using the diagnostic tools mentioned above. They will develop a customized treatment and recommend custom devices for the gentle movement of the teeth into proper alignment.


Phase 2: Development/Active Phase

This is the part where you are wearing braces or aligners.

Types of braces that may be used:
Traditional fixed braces: individual dental brackets connected by an archwire.
Lingual braces: These are also fixed but fit on the inside of the teeth to make them less visible.

During this phase, you will need to regularly see your orthodontist. The number of times you need to see your orthodontist will greatly depend on the kind of treatment you're receiving and the attributes of your orthodontic issues.


Phase 3: Retention Phase

A very crucial part of orthodontic care is the retention phase.
When the teeth have been correctly aligned, removable devices and fixed braces will be removed.
Your orthodontist will create retainers for you to wear after your braces are removed.
Retainers prevent your teeth from shifting back to their pre-treatment positions.

Your orthodontist will advise you how long you need to wear your retainers.


How Is a Malocclusion of the Teeth Treated?

Most people with mild malocclusion will not require any treatment. However, your dentist may refer you to an orthodontist if your malocclusion is severe
Depending on your type of malocclusion, your orthodontist may recommend various treatments. These can include:


braces to correct the position of the teeth
removal of teeth to correct overcrowding
reshaping, bonding, or capping of teeth
surgery to reshape or shorten the jaw
wires or plates to stabilize the jaw bone



How Can Malocclusion Be Prevented?

Most cases of Malocclusion are hereditary so preventing it may be difficult.
Early detection of malocclusion will cut down the length and severity of the disorder. Start your child's visits at 12 months old and keep up with regular checkups twice a year. For young children, limit pacifier and bottle use to help reduce changes in the development of the jaw.


An Overview:

The treatment of malocclusion of teeth in children typically results in the correction of the problem. The duration of treatment can be reduced with early treatment in childhood and can also be less expensive. Treating malocclusion early will result in a better outcome and faster.


If you think your child requires dental braces to correct an alignment issue call (973) 742-4200 to schedule an appointment. ( Orthodontics ext: 21 )

Serving Paterson, NJ, and the surrounding communities, we offer comprehensive oral health services ranging from routine cleanings to emergency treatment. We are committed to creating a warm, welcoming environment to keep all members of the family comfortable in the office.

Find reviews and updates on Facebook, learn more about our practice online, or give us a call (973) 742-4200


Written by RP, CRM, SCD

Oral hygiene mistakes to avoid

November 19th, 2019

1. Brushing too fast
brushing should be between 30 seconds and 2 minutes twice a day
You can damage enamel brushing too fast. Slow to moderate speed brush strokes is ideal.



2. Not Flossing
Flossing helps to remove bacteria hidden. In one corner we have gum disease and the other corner, the heavyweight champ, Floss! Gum disease affects mainly adults but can happen at an early age, especially if you don't have a proper oral care routine, which includes flossing every day. Floss comes out the winner!



3. Not using the right toothbrush
We recommend buying a chargeable electric toothbrush.
We realize that is not always an option, so we recommend using toothbrushes with soft bristles as these are much more effective. Avoid buying hard toothbrushes. These can damage tooth enamel and toss out toothbrushes after 2-3 months because they get rough. These can damage tooth enamel.



4. Not brushing your tongue
When brushing your teeth, brushing your tongue gently will rid
of bacteria that gets collected on your tongue called biofilm.
This type of bacteria can lead to bad breath and even tooth damage.
The tongue itself has peaks and troughs that are a perfect place for bacteria to thrive and settle. In fact, Its a leading cause of bad breath.
Let's brush those tongues and battle bacteria.



5. Not rinsing after brushing and flossing
Flossing and brushing is not enough. You can leave particles behind.
Rinsing is an important last step to brushing and flossing. Rinsing will
help rid of these excess particles.


6. Not drinking enough water
Drink plenty of water to avoid dry mouth
dry mouth can result in growth of bacteria and fungi which can,
in turn, lead to bad breath.



7. Frequently Snacking
An occasional treat is fine, but repeated sugar intake and other carbs will increase the risk of cavities. Sugar can stay stuck to your teeth.
These sugars can damage your teeth. Tooth decay is caused by bacteria in
the mouth using sugar from foods and drinks to produce acids that
dissolve and damage the teeth.

It's important to monitor and moderate children's sugar intake.


8. Eating Acidic food at night
The acid in the saliva can damage can affect the health of your gums.
It is said to be best to eat at least two hours before your bedtime.
We recommend brushing the teeth before bedtime. This will help to keep
your mouth clean of acids.



9. Waiting too long before your final brush time and bedtime
It is very important to brush right before you go to bed.
Cavities can develop and grow rapidly when the mouth is dry.
Bacteria will eat away at your teeth eventually creating
holes (cavities) and leaving you without your teeth.
Plaque is also an issue. It can harden to form tartar.
plaque and tartar cause irritation, inflammation, and bleeding of the gums,
as well as dental decay, also known as cavities.
Let's make sure to brush our teeth before bedtime.




This article is intended to provide an understanding and knowledge about
Oral hygiene mistakes to avoid. Always seek advice from a professional dentist with any questions you may have regarding your child and medical conditions or treatments.

How to Prevent Baby Bottle Syndrome

September 13th, 2019

What is  "Baby bottle syndrome?"

Baby bottle syndrome, now known as Early childhood caries ( ECC ),
is defined as the presence of 1 or more decayed teeth or missing teeth
This results in dental caries or (cavities) or filled tooth surfaces in
any primary tooth between birth and 71 months of age.

Below we will explore how to prevent baby bottle syndrome.


1. Giving them unlimited access to beverages overnight can harm their oral health.
Let's explore some reasons why and what we can do.

Issues associated with a bottle overnight:
- The nipple of a bottle prevents saliva from washing away the sugars from the incisors.
bottom front teeth may also be affected
- Milk, juice, and formula all contain simple carbohydrates. Bacterias just love sugars and cause plaque.
- As the bacteria break down fluids, it produces acids that may harm baby's tooth enamel.


What can we do?:
- A bottle or a sippy cup with water overnight is better than milk or juice.
however, babies should breastfeed or drink for the first 6 months before giving them more water.
The formula itself should not be too diluted with water. Giving babies too much water can affect appetite.
- If your child falls asleep while feeding, remove the bottle as soon as you notice your baby is no longer sucking.

- Teach your child to drink from a cup rather than a bottle by about six months. Children should be weaned from the bottle by about one-year-old.
- Changing a child's diet may help prevent baby bottle tooth decay. More about this below.


2. Keep them Hydrated during the day
Adequate hydration is essential for growing babies. They are more prone to dehydration than adults are.


Here are some signs of dehydration to watch out for:
Less elasticity in the skin.
Eyes and fontanel (or soft spot on the head) appear sunken.
Decrease or absence of tears.
Dry mouth.
more than 6 hours without a wet diaper.
Decrease the number of wet diapers.
urine looks or smells stronger.
rapid breathing
High heart rate



3. Changing a child's diet may help prevent baby bottle tooth decay.


Employing the following changes can help:

a. Gradually dilute the bottle contents with water over a period of two to three weeks.
b. Once that period is over, if you give a child a bottle, fill it with water or give the child a clean pacifier recommended by a dentist. The only safe liquid to put in a bottle to prevent baby bottle tooth decay is water.
c. Decrease consumption of sugar, especially between meals.
d. Children should be weaned from the bottle as soon as they can drink from a cup, but the bottle should not be taken away too soon, since the sucking motion aids in the development of facial muscles, as well as the tongue.


4. Clean their teeth

Cleaning baby's teeth can begin as soon as the first tooth pokes through the gums.
however, even though the teeth have not fully come out, doctors recommend brushing the gums to rid particles and bacteria. Use a clean, damp washcloth, gauze pad or a finger brush to gently wipe clean the first teeth and front of the tongue. Massage the gums and gingival tissues\
once a day until they turn 12 months old.

As for the toothbrush, it should be soft and have no more than three rows of bristles.
A pea-sized amount of toothpaste should be applied. Toss out any toothbrushes that have become rough or after using 2-4 months. This is because nasty mouth bacteria can begin to build up.



For babys toothbrushing time:

* Nice and gentle
* Sing a song for distraction
* Let baby examine the toothbrush a little bit.
* Colorful silicone finger brushes with nubs are a great way to move to the next level
from a washcloth and then to a brush.

When baby is ready to brush on their own, they will start grabbing for the brush.


5. Bring your baby to their first dental visit after the first tooth erupts. (Typically before age one)
Your baby needs to be healthy, be able to chew and speak, have strong teeth, and a strong jaw.
Medical and Dental professionals recommend that baby's first visit should be
within 6 months of the first tooth coming in (erupting), or by about 12 months at the latest.




This article is intended to provide an understanding and knowledge about baby bottle syndrome and babies' dental health. Always seek the advice of a professional dentist
with any questions, you may have regarding your child and medical conditions or treatments.

Common dental problems for kids

December 28th, 2018

Your child has had teeth for a very short while, however, they face
many common dental problems that adults encounter.
Pediatric dentists are specially trained to examine and manage
dental issues in the mouth and jaw.

Acting fast on developing issues can spare your young ones the
unnecessary pain and save time and money.

Tooth decay is extremely common among children. It is caused by bacteria and plaque
acids that attack and destroy tooth enamel. Attention to diet and strict oral hygiene
can help prevent decay.

Thumb sucking is not usually a cause for concern unless it persists after the development of permanent teeth. At this stage, it could affect dental health.
A kids’ dentist can work with your child to find a solution.

Gum disease, also called gingivitis, is an inflammation of gum tissue that can progress
to bone damage and tooth loss. It is often caused by poor oral hygiene.
Your dentist can help reverse early stages of gum disease and improve your
child’s oral hygiene habits.


Bad breath can affect people of any age. Potential sources of mouth odor include
poor dental hygiene, inflames gums, and dry mouth. It may also be related
to medical issues.


An over-retained primary tooth is a baby tooth that remains in position while
a permanent tooth is trying to erupt into the same space. It could indicate
impaction or a congenital abnormality. Early diagnosis ensures a
better outcome.


Tooth grinding is common during childhood development. It can damage primary or
permanent teeth and can even cause pain. Your kid’s dentist can treat the problem
with a custom night guard.


Proper oral care provides early prevention to dental problems and creates
good oral health for a lifetime. If your child does not have a dentist or has not been seen
in a while, call us and schedule a visit. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us. We are always willing to help.


To request an appointment click here or call

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