Why dentists use x-rays?

So what's the big deal about dental X-rays anyway? In fact,
these tests are one of the most important ways for dentists
to identify potential problems in teeth before they get worse.

Why dental X-rays are used?

Dental X-rays can help to see problems that cannot necessarily
be seen by an oral exam. They are used to track the progress of a dental
issue and/or treatment. This is done typically yearly - twice a year.
*Reasons for Dental Xrays:

Your age
Your current oral health
Pain in the gums
Bone loss in the jaw
Any symptoms of oral disease
A history of gum disease (gingivitis) or tooth decay
Decay development
Space in the mouth for incoming teeth.
Wisdom teeth development
If teeth are unable to emerge through the gums.
Decay beneath existing fillings.


Are there risks involved with Dental X-Rays?

Not to worry.
Risks from radiation exposure by using Dental X-rays are
extremely low.

When taking X-rays, to prevent exposure, dentists or
dental assistants will place a "bib-like" Vest over your chest,
abdomen, and pelvic area that are regulated by federal laws.

Children are well taken care of at Smile Central Dental.
Our practitioners and assistants are certified personnel,
are professional and dedicated to your child's safety at all times.

Types of Dental Exams:

The first type of exam you'll be given is usually referred to as a "dental assessment exam" or "dental point of care" exam. X-rays used in dental point of care exams are used to determine how healthy your teeth, jaw, and gums are.
Specifically, They are used to identify potential problems with teeth,
such as gum disease, cavities, tooth decay, and tooth sensitivity.

The X-rays will be taken using an endosseous ruler that is held
against your gum tissue. Using this ruler will give a closer
look at the teeth and the extent of any problems in teeth.


What can Dental X-Rays Find?

Looking at the types of X-rays will help to understand
what can be found.

Bitewing: dental X-ray designed to the crowns of the upper and
lower teeth simultaneously and to see if they match up.
One would bite down on a bar with a plastic
protective material to ensure the patient does not get exposed
to bacteria and germs.
This xray can help determine if there is decay between teeth.
In addition, it can detect filling wear.


Occlusal: This dental x-ray can show the roof of the mouth and detect
extra teeth that have not erupted through your child's gums.
In addition, it can help detect cysts, abscesses, growths, jaw fractures,
and cleft palates, and even foreign objects.


Periapical: This dental x-ray gives a full view of the tooth.
This includes the root to the crown. This is to see if there is
any changes in the bone structure surrounding the root.


Intraoral X-rays: This dental x-ray helps dentists locate cavities,
review root health, review bone structure, and the Jawbone.


ExtraoralX-rays: This dental x-ray helps dentists look at Skull and Jaw
bones, impacted teeth, jaw development, and to identify problems between the
temporomandibular joint (TMJ) and teeth.
These x-rays are typically not used to detect individual tooth problems
or cavities.

Panoramic: This dental x-ray is used for reviewing tooth development,
finding impacted or emerging teeth and can display the entire mouth.

Tomograms: This dental x-ray shows just a portion/side of the mouth.

How often should a child have their teeth x-rayed?

Children: Children generally need X-rays done more often than adults
because their teeth and jaws are still in development and are susceptible
to be affected by tooth decay.

After dental X-Rays:::::: Re-write this when you come back!

- The dentist will review the xray results for abnormalities.
- A dental hygienist may perform a cleaning
- If a cavity is found, a dentist may discuss with you the options
for treatment such as a filling may be put in place and the crown
of the tooth restored.

- If tooth decay is detected, a root canal treatment may be done to remove any infected tissue and disposed of with the teeth.


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